
Classic Ibiza

Throughout the Summer of 2018 ACOS Medical provided medical cover for the series of Classic Ibiza events in support of Revival Productions. This involved touring a number of stately homes around England with support from our industry partner Bristol Ambulance EMS. At each location we have provided our portable treatment centre where we can treat…
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Weymouth Carnival

Acos Medical appointed as the medical provider for Weymouth Carnival 2018. We are pleased to announce that we have been appointed as the medical provider for Weymouth Carnival 2018. Providing a full range of services including: Portable treatment centre Cycle Response Unit Paramedic led frontline ambulances in partnership with our colleagues from Bristol Ambulance EMS

The importance of good medical cover at events

If you’re having any sort of event, then it is your duty to consider how best to provider event medical cover. What you need varies greatly based on the size of your event and the risks involved. Choosing event medical cover The cover you need is based on your risk assessment. Once you know what…
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